
  • Angella Konot - Esthetician

    Angella has worked as a professional Esthetician in the Seattle & Poulsbo area since 2000 and is now excited to be in Winthrop, WA. Offering facial treatments, brow & lash tinting, waxing, and microblading. Angella uses a variety of facial treatments tailored for each visit with you, depending on your choices, comfort level, and skin condition. She uses her knowledge, experience, and intuition to give you the best results possible through your healthy skincare journey.

  • Tania Gonzalez Ortega: Family Constellations, Energy Healing, & Sound Baths

    Tania is an energy healer and family constellations practitioner with over 25 years of experience in working with clients of all ages, providing lasting transformation so that one's fullest and highest potential is achievable. She can address physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual issues and assist in removing energy blocks that lie deep within the subconscious. --

  • Sierra Breitbeil-Bodywork, Massage & Naturopathy

    Sierra approaches her hands -on practice with empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to help others, the same qualities she brings to visits as a naturopathic doctor. With her bodywork you can expect injury treatment, as well as relaxation, deep tissue, craniosacral, breathwork and hot rocks-always eclectic. Her naturopathic consults are lengthy, rich in content, and always tailored to the needs of her patients. Methow Valley Wellness Center established in 1997. Sunflower Resort, in 2023

  • Anne Young - Reiki Master

    Anne is guided by the Spirit of the Methow to offer physical, psychological, and spiritual healing through the path of Karuna Reiki. These treatments work toward generational healing and forgiveness, and help transform all. She feels honored to be in the position of delivering Reiki treatments and grateful for the trust placed in her.

  • Sica da Costa - Cosmetologist

    Sica maintains a whole-person focus while customizing treatments that keep your hair healthy and naturally radiant. Her intuitive approach offers a calm, quiet, and nourishing experience in a private salon room at the Methow Valley Wellness Center. She is also delighted to offer luxurious and customized nail treatments, accompanied by hand and foot massages. She uses fume-free products that will not harm her clients or the environment.